Where Heroes FInd Peace
Comanche Outdoors hosts various events annually, dedicated to assisting military, veterans, and first responders. Our events are cost-free, with a focus on enhancing mental health and overall wellbeing. Explore our website to participate in an event or contribute as a supporter through time, service, or financial contribution.
Comanche Outdoors is a 501(c)(3), public charity under IRC Section 509(a)(2). Donors may be eligible to deduct contributions in accordance with IRC Section 170.
Our Mission
Comanche Outdoors is organized for, and dedicated to, serving the emotional and physical rehabilitation needs of the active duty military, military veteran, and first responder communities. By raising funds for recreational therapy, we facilitate a variety of outdoor activities that connect participants with nature, build comradery, sharpen cognition, and reduce stress, depression, and anxiety.
Event participation
Learn more about our event advertisement, offerings, and complete the participation interest form on our Events page.